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Hu, C.-C., Yeh, H.-C., & Chen, N.-S. (2023). Teacher development in robot and IoT knowledge, skills, and attitudes with the use of the TPACK-based support-stimulate-seek approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(9), 5811-5830.


“In-service teachers’ professional development regarding technology adoption in education is often focused on only one specific technology. To maximize the utilization of technologies, teachers need to be able to leverage different technologies seamlessly. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is one of the most important frameworks depicting teachers’ competences for effectively teaching with technology. The TPACK Support-Stimulate-Seek model (3S-TPACK) was used to design training programs with learning activities using robots, IoT-based sensors, actuators, tablets, and computer programming tools. The results show that the training programs designed by adapting the 3S-TPACK model not only can improve the teachers’ learning outcomes but also can support positive attitudes toward adopting robots and IoT technologies in the teaching and learning process.”

Published in Report of practice Journal article Empirical research Theoretical publication