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Crompton, H., Burke, D., Nickel, C., & Chigona, A. (2024). The SETI framework and technology integration in the digital age. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 19(1), 167-177.


“Effective integration of technology is critical for online, blended, hybrid, and face-to-face learning. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the SETI (Socio-Ecological Technology Integration) framework and explain what it adds to the scholarly research regarding effective technology integration. The SETI framework goes beyond previous frameworks and applies a holistic systems approach to understanding effective technology integration. This takes into account all aspects of technology integration including new findings uncovered during the Covid-19 lockdown. TPACK and SAMR were analyzed identifying their benefits and limitations and then the SETI framework was explained providing insight into the value of a whole systems approach to technology integration.”

Published in Journal article Theoretical publication