Maniraho, J. F., Mutarutinya, V., & Njiku, J. (2020). Developing technological pedagogical content knowledge survey items: A review of literature. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 36(3), 150-165.
“This review of the literature analyzed twenty-eight survey instruments that were designed and validated by different researchers in order to measure teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge. The analysis was done to find out the nature and synthesis of survey items across domains of the technological pedagogical content knowledge framework. The review showed that researchers design items differently across subscales, being either specific or broad in content, teaching approaches or technologies knowledge and their interactions. The logical pick up of concepts in the items from the primary technology, pedagogy and content domains to their complex interactions was only seen in few scales. We provide suggestions derived from the review for designing survey items that capture teachers’ knowledge of technology integration in teaching while addressing specific content, pedagogy, and technology. We also recommend the logical relationship interlinking concepts in the three basic domains into their interactions that form complexities of teacher knowledge.”