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Makkawi, F. (2017). Integrating technology in teachers’ profession. International Journal for Infonomics10(2), 1325­­-1332. Retrieved from


“The continuous fast developing field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is affecting every aspect of our life including education. The purpose of this research is to show the importance of ICT knowledge in Teachers’ education journey (preservice and inservice). The first part of this paper discusses the teacher’s professional knowledge. The second part discusses ICT in Education. Section three explains and discusses the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) model. Part four and five discuss preservice teachers education and inservice teachers’ training respectively. Last part sheds the lights on the benefits of teachers’ networks. Finally, in the digital world we are living, teachers need to be digitally knowledgeable to be able to lead the students to be critically engaged active members.” 

Published in Journal article