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Phillips, M., Koehler, M. J., Rosenberg, J. M., & Zunica, B. (2017). Revisiting concepts of knowledge as part of the TPACK framework. In L. Liu & D. C. Gibson (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2017 (pp. 21­–27). Waynesville, NC: AACE. 


“Teacher knowledge has been a research focus for a number of decades and is a core component of the TPACK framework and the PCK framework which preceded it. Despite the centrality of knowledge in both conceptualisations, it is difficult to find a clear and universally accepted understanding of the term knowledge. We believe that, outlining differences in knowledge domains may assist members of the TPACK research community – and indeed those who draw on PCK as a research focus – to develop a more nuanced understanding of the possibilities and limitations that result from these epistemological differences. This paper therefore presents an argument that the knowledge required by teachers should not be thought of as a homogenous term. In contrast, discussion presented in this paper will highlight differences in knowledge domains including justified and true knowledge; skills based knowledge; and actionable, craft knowledge. Discussion of these knowledge domains will challenge the interconnected representations of knowledge presented in frameworks such as PCK and TPACK will be together with three major implications for teacher education.”

Published in Book chapter