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Rolando, L. G. R., Salvador, D. F., Vasconcellos, R. F. R. R., & Da Luz, M. R. M. P. (2021). TPACK for meaningful learning survey: “Paths” for professional development of biology teachers in Brazil. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 20(2), 169-181. 


“In the last decade different instruments were developed to empirically test the TPACK theoretical framework. The TPACK for Meaningful Learning survey was the first survey to obtain statistical validation for all seven predicted constructs. In the present work we used a version of the TPACK for Meaningful Learning survey adapted and validated in the Portuguese language to investigate the TPACK perceptions of Brazilian biology teachers, their interrelationships and relations with demographic variables. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between the constructs that hold the technology component. Path analysis corroborated the hypothesis that TK influences TPK and TCK, and that these two constructs directly influence TPACK. Evidence showed that the variables “age” and “years of service” influence teachers’ perceptions, especially the constructs that hold the technology component. Results obtained in the present study are discussed considering the empirical results obtained in other countries using the TPACK for Meaningful Learning survey. Taken together, our research findings contribute to foster professional development strategies for teachers that aim at the integration of technologies in teaching.”

Published in Empirical research Journal article