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Buss, R. R., Wetzel, K., Foulger, T. S., & Lindsey, L. (2015). Preparing teachers to integrate technology into K–12 instruction: Comparing a stand-alone technology course with a technology-infused approach. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 31(4), 160-172.


“We compared the effectiveness of learning technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) domain knowledge in a new technology-infused approach for teaching technology to teacher candidates with a more traditional, stand-alone course. In the new approach, learning to use technology is infused into program methods courses. Candidates all improved their TPACK domain scores. Interestingly, there were interactions of cohort × time of testing on the TPACK measures. Candidates’ scores from the stand-alone course increased more rapidly for TK and TPK, whereas candidates’ pre- to posttest scores from the technology-infused courses increased faster for CK and PK. Qualitative data also supported the quantitative results. In the discussion, we account for the differences, connect the results to the literature, and pose questions for consideration in future research.”

Published in Empirical research Journal article