Phung, T.-T. L. (2013). Learning with, from, and through technology: TPACK9 for dummies. [Master’s thesis, University of Sydney]. ResearchGate.
“By incorporating the three functions of computers [tools, media, and social actors] from Fogg’s (Fogg, Cuellar, & Danielson, 2002; Fogg, 1998) triadic taxonomy, TPACK [Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge, also formerly TPCK] (Harris, Mishra, & Koehler, 2009; Koehler & Mishra, 2009; Mishra & Koehler, 2006) can be extended to more comprehensive formulations of technological integration in education. Moreover by compounding these three technological roles with Chi’s (2009) three types of learning activities [active, constructive, and interactive], 9 possible combinations of TPK can be derived, hence TPACK9.
The criteria of TPACK versus TPACK9 comparison do not measure whether interventions such as teachers’ PD designs are viable, legitimate and efficient (Nieveen, Akker, et al, 2006). Instead at this preliminary stage of design-based research [DBR], namely the pre-experimental/ intervention/ treatment phase (McKenney & Reeves, 2013), the first criterion of comparison between TPACK and TPACK9 is the conceptual distinction in the learning process of technological functions. Theoretical implications of Fogg’s (1998; Fogg et al., 2002, p. 200) triadic functions are also explored on the basis of their educational design purposes. In short, as a validation study of possible conceptual frameworks for supporting teachers’ PD, this design paper redesigns the prevailing TPACK (Harris et al., 2009; Koehler & Mishra, 2009; Mishra & Koehler, 2006) and provides a theoretical exploration of TPACK9 as alternative model.”
Note: For an elaboration of TPACK9, please refer to non-dummies’ version, “Learning With, From, & Through Technology: Redesigning TPACK as TPACK 9” (Le Phung, 2013). Available from: