Porras-Hernández, L. H., & Salinas-Amescua, B. (2013). Strengthening TPACK: A broader notion of context and the use of teachers’ narratives to reveal knowledge construction. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48, 223-244. http://doi.org/10.2190/EC.48.2.f
“Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a framework to understand and foster teachers’ knowledge for efficient technology integration has the value of unveiling new types of knowledge and departing from technocentric approaches. In this article, we consider two approaches to advance this framework. One of these opens the discussion on a more complex conception of context, along two dimensions: scope and actor. The second is an example of how TPACK can be useful in the phenomenological approaches of teachers reflecting on their practice using narratives in the tradition of European and Latin-American bodies of knowledge on systematization.”