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Wei, Q., Ariffin, I. A. B., & Tham, J. (2023). Comparison of effects of teacher training programs on TPACK and self-efficacy of primary school teachers. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 107(107). 31-47.


“Utilizing a probability sampling approach, this study employs a sample size of 500 primary school teachers within a designated county to examine the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) status among primary educators. The TPACK scores of primary school teachers exhibit a discernible shift from elevated to diminished levels in correlation with the progression of teaching experience. Specifically, concerning Technological Knowledge (TK) and the intersection of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK), there is a demonstrable decline in the average scores concomitant with an increase in teaching tenure. Conversely, an augmentation in educational background correlates positively with an upward trajectory in the overall TPACK scores. The enhancement of primary school teachers’ TPACK is attainable through the implementation of strategies encompassing teacher promotion and training initiatives. An examination of primary school teachers’ self-efficacy reveals uniformly elevated scores across various dimensions, indicating a pervasive sense of confidence. The formulation and evolution of teachers’ self-efficacy are determined by the interplay of individual subjective factors, cognitive considerations, and external environmental influences.”

Published in Journal article Empirical research