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Marshall, J. (2017). Technology integration in context (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database. (UMI No. 10252595)


“This study employed an ecological framework to examine how multiple contextual variables from the state biosphere, district biome, school habitat and classroom niche impact how teachers decide to integrate technology. It was an opportunity to observe how a teacher’s Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge operates in a classroom in response to the building, district and state contexts. It was conducted in multiple classrooms in one school and with science teachers. It included a self-study component. It provided an opportunity to directly observe the interactions between students and teacher as distinct species in the classroom when technology integration occurred. This allowed me to determine how observing other teacher’s technology integration efforts impacted my own use in my classroom. I hope to provide an emic perspective on technology integration and broaden the definition of effective technology integration.” 

Published in Dissertation