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Heintzelman, S.C. (2017). Integrating technology to engage students with EBD: A case study of school leader support (Doctoral dissertation). doi: 10.13023/ETD.2017.155 Retrieved from


“The purpose of the study was to examine the role of leadership and school culture on the integration of technology to support instruction for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). A multiple embedded case study design was used to describe how a school leadership team supports a school culture for technology integration within classrooms where special education teachers integrate technology to engage students with EBD. The primary case of school culture includes a comprehensive description of how the school leadership team supports a culture for technology integration within classrooms. Embedded cases within the primary case describe how special education teachers integrate technology to engage students with EBD in classroom instruction. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) (Koehler & Mishra, 2005) is part of the conceptual framework to theoretically undergird the study. The findings of this study describe a school that serves students with EBD where there is a strong school culture and leaders support teachers who integrate technology to engage students. Patterns from the analysis indicate school leaders plan for staff development, participate in staff development sessions with teachers, observe teachers, provide feedback about teacher performance, and praise and encourage teachers to integrate technology. Teachers and leaders engage in formal and informal staff development opportunities to learn how to integrate technology into classroom lessons. As a result of these trainings and school leader support, teachers provide clear expectations for students while integrating technology to engage students, provide direct instruction, choices, and visual representation of content.”

Published in Dissertation