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Luna, A. (2015). Embracing the challenge of growing the “T” in STEM and its role in teaching and learning: A case study (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database. (UMI No. 3722882)


“Education is constantly evolving, facing new demands from changing standards in a competitive global society. California K–12 schools are now navigating greater demands for technology integration from the Common Core State Standards and NGSS to develop students’ 21st-century skills and improve learning outcomes. The focus of this case study was to identify the decisions, actions, and leadership taken by one school to embrace technology as a tool for instruction. Multiple data collection methods were implemented, including a staff survey, participant interviews, observations, and review of documents for triangulation. The study used the TPACK framework as a conceptual model to guide the investigation. The results from this qualitative case study indicated that key factors to creating a school that embraces technology include: collaboration among teachers, administration, and the district; a shared vision; having the right people on board; continuous and effective technology professional development; building teacher capacity; and having a strong collaborative leadership team. In addition, the findings suggested that technology implementation can be led by the school district when all stakeholders are taken into consideration with each decision and action for dissemination of resources and professional development (PD). This case study seeks to further practitioners’ and policymakers’ understanding of what the technology implementation process looks like in transforming teacher instruction and student learning.”

Published in Dissertation