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McVerry, J. G. (2013). TPACK and new literacies of online reading comprehension: Preparing today’s teachers for tomorrow’s readers. In C. A. Young & S. Kadjer (Eds.), Research on technology in English education(pp. 87-104). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Abstract (excerpted):

“Based on the assumptions that literacy practices continuously evolve and that technology is a literacy issue, what are the implications for English instructors? Mishra and Koehler (2006) have outlined a need for teachers to develop technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) as the basis of good teaching with technology. TPACK involves an understanding of the affordances of technologies. Furthermore, teachers need to understand pedagogical practices that allow students to use technology in constructive ways. Educators also need to develop an understanding of particular concept knowledge in English and how that knowledge relates to using technology. Finally, and most importantly, teachers need to understand how the technologies, pedagogies, and content help them negotiate both their own knowledge and their sense of knowing the world (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). Yet the development of TPACK does not involve mastery of different knowledge domains. TPACK for English educators emerges as synergy of technology knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content knowledge (Hofer & Swan, 2005).”

Published in Book chapter