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Parra, J., Raynor, C., Osanloo, A., & Guillaume, R. O. (2019). (Re)Imagining an undergraduate integrating technology with teaching course. TechTrends, 63(1), 68–78.


“The purpose of this article is to provide information from a research study that looked at the (re)imagining of a learning technologies course, Integrating Technology with Teaching (ITT). The course was (re)imagined to meet the needs of students who will be preservice and future teachers. Course design for the (re)imagined course was based on 1) current literature related to TPACK, ISTE Standards and current issues in classroom technology integration and 2) a design framework including ADDIE principles and blended learning. The study was conducted during Spring 2018 in a face-to-face (F2) version of the ITT course at a Southwestern university in the US. Evaluation and feedback were collected from twenty-two students who completed the course. In addition to providing study findings, the article concludes with recommendations for the next course iteration and faculty members interested in (re)imagining learning technology courses.”

Published in Journal article