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Schmid, M., Brianza, E., & Petko, D. (2020). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Short Questionnaire (TPACK.xs) [Database record]. APA PsycTests.


“The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Short Questionnaire (TPACK.xs; Schmid, Brianza, & Petko, 2020) assesses teachers’ competencies for successfully teaching with technology via the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). Measure construction began with the incorporation of items from Schmidt et al. (2009). These items—formulated for elementary school teachers and, thus, consisting of variations of single items addressing four teaching subjects—were reformulated, similarly to Chai, Koh, and Tsai (2011), in a neutral but specific way reflecting a single “teaching subject” (e.g., “I have sufficient knowledge about my teaching subject” instead of “I have sufficient knowledge about mathematics”). Additionally, content-related subscales were supplemented with additional items adapted from the literature (e.g., Valtonen et al., 2017). The resulting 42-item assessment was psychometrically evaluated in a Swiss sample of pre-service upper secondary school teachers. Reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis findings for the final, 28-item measure were reported. The authors stated that longitudinal studies are still needed to investigate the interplay of TPACK components and their development over time. (PsycTests Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)”

Published in Database Record Instrument testing