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Forbes, L.S. (2007). Internet use in teacher preparation programs: The relationship between pedagogy and practice in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (Publication No. 3286087) [Doctoral dissertation, Duquesne University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.  


“The overall purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) teacher educators’ pedagogical beliefs and their use of telecollaborative Internet activities in practice. The goal of this examination was to address the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Research and Improvement (April 2002) call for collecting data about how digital content is being used and to make recommendations for action. The study collected data, via a web-based survey, about pedagogical beliefs and practices of PASSHE teacher educators. The analysis of descriptive statistics, rankings, Spearman rho correlations, and ANOVA calculations revealed a gap between constructivist pedagogical beliefs and actual instructional practice. Using a typology of constructivist telecollaborative activities, the study pinpointed areas of Internet-specific Pedagogical Knowledge and Technological Knowledge to be developed in PASSHE teacher educators. Recommendations were made for PASSHE programs to collaboratively create telecollaborative inquiry and communication activities, provide professional development in the use of telecollaborative activities, and support integration into teacher preparation programs.”

Published in Dissertation