Purwaningshi, E., Nurhadi, D., & Masjkur, K. (2019). TPACK development of prospective physics teachers to ease the achievement of learning objectives: A case study at the State University of Malang, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1185, 17.
“In today’s Industry 4.0 era, the development of science and digital technology is progressing so fast. In the context of education, multimedia technology plays a crucial role. The use of internet and digital technology in the teaching and learning activities is incredibly helpful for accelerate and facilitate student learning, so that the learning objectives can be more easily accomplished. The implementation of ICT-assisted instruction in physics will be meaningless if it is not integrated with the subject-matter knowledge of physics and instructional strategies used. This study aimed to reveal the efforts made by prospective physics teachers in helping students gain better understanding of the course material using the TPACK framework. The type of research was qualitative with a case study approach conducted in the Physics Education program at the State University of Malang in Indonesia. The results showed that the efforts of physics teacher candidates in using ICT in the TPACK framework to achieve the learning objectives have been quite varied, but further development work and testing involving students are still required.”