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Ng, O., & Chan, T. (2021). In‐service mathematics teachers’ video‐based noticing of 3D printing pens “in action”. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(2), 751–767.


“We adopt five observation categories, namely classroom management, classroom environment, communication, mathematical content and tasks, to analyse four in-service secondary mathematics teachers’ noticing upon watching video episodes showing an actual mathematics lesson that implemented 3D Printing Pens for teaching and learning shape and space. We use coding to analyse what the participants generally identified as important or noteworthy in the video. Moreover, we employ thematic analysis to delve deeper into the participants’ interpretations and decisions in relation to using 3D Pens for teaching and learning mathematics. Our findings have implications for teachers’ professional development in the area of technology integration especially in terms of their realisation of the affordances of novel-to them technologies. We also report methodological and conceptual contributions towards teacher noticing.”

Published in Journal article Empirical research