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Hong, B. V., Tuyen, T., & Luong, N. T. (2018). Teaching capacity of technology teachers: Applying in the training program of technology teacher in Vietnam. American Journal of Educational Research6(12), 1662–1667. doi:10.12691/education-6-12-11


“Teaching capacity, learning outcomes, and the training program of technology teacher in this study aim to guide the training of technology teachers under the program on general education renovation in Vietnam. Based on the analysis of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model, the impact of the 4th industrial revolution, and the requirement of technology teacher’s capacity, this study presents the teaching capability of technology teachers including the combination of core competencies (necessary skills in the 21st century), competency in engineering and technology, competency in teaching methods, and competency in the application of technology in teaching. The combination of these competencies in the training program of technology teachers will contribute to the development of technology teachers with full of core competencies, technical and technological knowledges, teaching methods, technology application and teaching method renovation.”

Published in Journal article