Oyanagi, W., & Satake, Y. (2016). Capacity building in technological pedagogical content knowledge for preservice teacher. International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, 10(1), 33-44. Retrieved from http://jaems.jp/contents/icomej/vol10/5_oyanagi.pdf
“This study explored the pattern of changes in the “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)” of preservice teacher students during practicum as well as methods for analyzing and assessing such changes. It aimed at identifying the terms and environment that would benefit including TPACK in the guidance programs of teaching practice (practicum) for preservice teacher students. This study had three significant findings: 1) If TPACK is deliberately taught in practical instruction, what was previously learned of TPACK in certain forms (lecture, etc.) could be further examined in practice; 2) When giving instruction recognizing the TPACK framework, MindMap can be considered as capable of recognizing TPACK and can be a tool to visualize changes for both instructors and preservice teachers; and 3) If mentioned in the conditions and environment causing transformation, opportunities to encourage visualization of knowledge and thinking are important to both instructors and preservice teachers.”