Nakashima, R. H. R. & Piconez, S. C. B. (2016). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): Modelo explicativo da ação docente. Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 10(3), 231-250. doi:
“This article includes reflections derived from exploratory research in databases, international journals on education and technology and book chapters that discuss the inter-relationship of different types of teachers knowledge. The goal was to understand the contributions and challenges of TPACK as an explanatory model of teacher action in decisions about the integration of technology in teaching practices. Among the contributions of the studies were highlighted research and experimentation supported by TPACK; TPACK as conductor of the initial and permanent education of teachers and the TPACK related with other theoretical models. The model TPACK was considered knowledge base for teaching the integration of technologies in educational contexts, from alignment with pedagogical approaches and teaching specific content. However, some challenges were identified by the studies, such as the difficulty of consensus to define each construct of the model; the need to define the types of technologies embraced by TPACK and fragility in the process of measuring TPACK. The expectation of this article is to propose weightings and reflections that can mobilize the continuity and development of the subject investigated.”