Niess, M. L., & Gillow-Wiles, H. (2016). Mathematics teachers’ knowledge-of-practice with technologies in an online masters’ program: Scoop action research experiences and reflections. In M. Niess, S. Driscoll, & K. Hollebrands (Eds.), Handbook of research on transforming mathematics teacher education in the digital age (pp. 463-492). IGI Global.
“As teacher education leverages online instructional environments, an important research focus is how best to re-conceptualize mathematics inservice teacher classroom observations. This chapter proposes an alternative methodology to the structure of traditional observations, where the Scoop Notebook provides a window into mathematics teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), specifically their TPACK-of-practice. In this descriptive, cross-case study, a re-designed Scoop process frames teachers’ engagement in classroom practices, putting into practice their scholarly formal knowledge and developing in-depth, rich reflections from their classroom actions and artifacts. This study illustrates how embedding the Scoop process into a graduate instructional strategies course as part of a Master’s degree curriculum results in engaging teachers in action research where they use artifacts as objects to think with for transforming their TPACK for integrating technologies in teaching mathematics.”