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Bedin, E., & Cleophas, M. d. G. (2022). An investigative study on teachers’ level of expertise on the triad science-pedagogy-technology: Evaluating chemistry classroom during the pandemic. Ciência & Educação (Bauru), 28.


“During the pandemic, the required changeover to Emergency Remote Teaching presented various technological hurdles for instructors all around the world, as well as a fertile field of study dedicated to reshaping existing teaching methods into the manner in which education is delivered today. With an investigative slant, this study examines a group of students’ perceptions on their professors’ pedagogical practices, focusing on abilities and competencies related to Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). To that purpose, 324 students evaluated their professors’ ability to grasp the interrelated triangle of scientific, pedagogical, and technical material in their lessons. The Survey research technique was employed for a quantitative inquiry, then a statistical method of deductive imprint. When combined with the pedagogical aims and scientific contents of chemical science, the findings indicate a guiding need for teaching techniques and pedagogical reform for the development of technological skills.”

Published in Journal article Empirical research