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Napitupulu, E., & Sebayang, N. (2022). TPACK learning model design needs analysis for 21st century skills. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(6), 9278-9284.


“The aims of this research are 1) to find the current problems and needs for 21st century learning in schools under the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office, Indonesia, 2) to find the need for development and innovation of the TPACK learning model to improve 21st century learning skills. 21, The population used in this study was 252 teachers of State High School and Vocational High School for the 2021/2022 academic year. A sample of 80 people was selected using the cluster purposing sampling technique. The research tool used in this study is a semi-structured questionnaire with 5 Likert scale questions which are divided into 2 parts: general information on respondents in the first part and open questions in the second part asking respondents’ suggestions for future educational development. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Interpretation is also used in content analysis. The findings in this study are as follows: 1) The skill needs of educators related to the development and innovation of the TPACK-based 21st century learning model are found in 5 aspects, including the skills of preparing, selecting, elaborating, presenting, and evaluating information. 2) From the response of educators as a form of overall behavioral assessment, the level of knowledge and skills of 21st century learning which includes critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration, it was found that there are limitations for educators to change the design of learning from a pedagogic approach to a heutagogic and cybergogic approach related to learning based on TPACK (X=65.92, S.D. = 8.76); limited skills in selecting, developing and presenting teaching materials from various sources, limited evaluation in the implementation of learning information systems (X=76.23, S.D. = 7.64); limited studies related to the impact of TPACK-based learning on the quality of learning (X=66.74, S.D. = 8.26); limited support for teachers and students in implementing TPACK-based learning (X=75.65, S.D. = 7.87); limited infrastructure and policy support for academic staff in implementing TPACK-based learning (X= 78.56 S.D. = 8.67).”

Published in Empirical research Journal article