Eure, K. D. (2023). Using Ozobots to learn character traits (Publication No. 30485066) [Doctoral dissertation, Old Dominion University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
“Technology is utilized in everyday life. As such, teachers can employ educational robots and technology to assist in growing skills in collaboration, communication, computational thinking, and problem-solving. Educational robots also appear to increase engagement and motivation in students to participate in lessons. This study employed design-based research (DBR) to explore the use of Ozobots in teaching character traits in a fourth-grade classroom. Together with fourth-grade teachers, a set of lessons was created that employed Ozobots to engage students in learning character traits. Two technology integration frameworks, technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) and Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR), were incorporated to ensure that the technology integration lessons were developed with structure and intent. Through the DBR study, findings showed that educators could utilize Ozobots to support teaching character traits through instructional lessons. The lessons can be modified for additional grade levels depending on student needs. Implications for future studies include more research on how Ozobots and other educational robots may be suitable to help with reading and writing skills.”