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Lee, L., Mohamed, A., & Altamimi, A. A. (2014). Design, development, and evaluation of an automated e-learning tutorial system to instruct pre-service special educators in the Malay braille code. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24, 481–494.


“This paper reports on the design, development, and evaluation of an online e-learning tutorial system to instruct pre-service special educators in Malay braille code. The technological pedagogical content knowledge framework (TPACK) was employed to integrate expertise in content, pedagogy, and technology to design and develop this system. A directive, automated e-learning architecture was created from applying the principles of TPACK. Evaluation of the system was carried out using a multi-step evaluation framework. Seventy seven pre-service special educators at a university in northern Malaysia learnt braille through this system and evaluated the system using a survey instrument. The findings showed that the learners were satisfied and confident of using the system, and the system was also well accepted in terms of perceived usefulness and ease of use. In terms of design, features that apply mastery learning, extrinsic motivation, practice-feedback in direct instruction, and clarity of graphical interface were the most highly rated. Content-based features, ease of use and perceived usefulness together, explain 65 % of the variance in learner satisfaction. Content- and pedagogy-based design features together significantly predicted learner confidence. The findings indicated that the system (http://​ekodbraille.​ses.​usm.​my) is viable to support independent braille code instruction online. This work also suggested that TPACK can be a powerful framework for e-learning systems development. The design steps described in this paper also serve as a prescriptive template for future designers attempting to use TPACK for design purposes.”

Published in Report of practice Journal article Empirical research