Haley-Mize, S., & Bishop, J. (2014). Exploring TPACK model practices: Designing, facilitating, and evaluating effectiveness of technology experiences among preservice teachers. In C. Angeli & N. Valanides (Eds.), Technological pedagogical content knowledge (pp. 253-268). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-8080-9_13
“The study used Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Area Knowledge (TPACK) as a conceptual framework to evaluate the specific ways by which the preservice teacher educators learn technology integration throughout undergraduate coursework. A mixed methodology combined three overlapping phases of data collection and analysis: (1) preservice teacher surveys reporting perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding notions of “technology,” (2) facilitation and evaluation of “Technology-Enhanced Lessons” (TELs), and (3) case interview and classroom observation of exemplary use of TPACK practices. Findings indicate that many candidates did not articulate a transformative understanding of technology, but individual differences emerged. Pre- and post-survey data supported a quantitative correlation of specific preservice course experiences with technology and TPACK participant skill levels.”