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Efilti, E., & Coklar, A. N. (2013). The study of the relationship between teachers’ teaching styles and TPACK education competencies. World Journal on Educational Technology, 5(3), 348-357.


“The aim of this study was determining teacher candidates’ TPACK education competencies and qualifications and the status of different teaching styles so the relationship between TPACK education competencies and teaching styles could be shown. For this purpose, two different measuring tools of quantitative methods were applied to teacher candidates. To determine teacher candidates’ teaching styles “Teaching Style Inventory” developed by Grasha, and adapted by Uredi to Turkish was applied. Moreover, “TPACK Deep-Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale” developed by Kabakçı-Yurdakul, Odabaşı, Kılıçer, Çoklar, Birinci and Kurt was used. The participants of the study consisted of 342 senior students who were teacher candidates studying at the University of Necmettin Erbakan during the academic year of 2012-2013. As a result of the research it was seen that teacher candidates’ teaching style scores were respectively listed as, facilitator, delegator, personal model, expert and authority. In terms of TPACK education competencies, teachers found themselves at a highly advanced level. On the other hand, the type of teaching style, as well as TPACK competencies didn’t show any statistically significant gender differences. Finally, between all the teaching styles and TPACK competencies, there was an intermediate and a positive correlation.”

Published in Journal article Empirical research