Olatoye, M., Nleya, P., & Batane, T. (2013). Effective classroom management and the use of TPACK: Implications for pedagogical practices. Journal of Education and Practice, 4(15), 119-124. http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/6829
“This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.”