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Whiteman, S. B. (2019). Increasing student engagement with iPads (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from 


 “This is a study of one teacher’s technology integration journey. This case study will characterize the state of one teacher’s understanding and practice before and after receiving coaching that was designed to help the participant learn to use technology integration to increase student engagement. The results of this research led to three findings. The three findings from this research are: 1. The teacher demonstrated an improved understanding of engagement and technology integration. 2. The teacher demonstrated an improved practice of engagement and technology integration. 3.The findings help to determine the impact that coaching had on the understanding of student engagement and how to use iPads for instruction in the classroom. This study has shown, through professional development and coaching with incorporating technology, we can increase a teacher’s skill set for engaging students in the classrooms. By increasing student engagement, we increase the opportunity for students to learn and succeed. Our responsibility as leaders is to find ways to support our teachers and to get educational technologies into the hands of our students.”

Published in Dissertation