Niess, M. L. (2018). Online learning trajectory for knowledge-building communities to reframe inservice teachers’ TPACK. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Teacher training and professional development: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (pp. 839-862). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5631-2.ch037
“Knowledge-building communities facilitate learning through collaborative explorations and investigations using today’s technologies as learning tools. Such communities support teachers in developing their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (or TPACK) so they are able to rearrange educational experiences using a systems pedagogical approach for engaging students in communication, collaboration and inquiry-oriented technologies. A current educational setting for reframing inservice teachers’ knowledge involves online instruction. A researcher conjectured, empirically supported online TPACK learning trajectory provides guidelines for teacher educators as they design new online coursework for guiding teachers in enhancing their TPACK. Using a design-based research methodology, a social metacognitive constructivist instructional lens frames this online learning trajectory for organizing the course content development by interweaving descriptive tasks with specific pedagogical strategies towards reframing inservice teachers’ knowledge through knowledge-building communities. The resulting trajectory describes a dynamic interaction of key tools and instructional processes for scaffolding the content towards an enhanced TPACK understanding.”