Price, S. (2023). An investigation of the relationship between self-efficacy levels and technology integration and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) among contingent faculty at Tuskegee University (Publication No. 30317364) [Doctoral dissertation, Northeastern University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
“This exploratory study investigated Tuskegee University contingent faculty’s integration of technology in instruction, their knowledge of tech-related pedagogy, and self-efficacy regarding learning and integrating technology in the classroom. The data consisted of eight thematic interviews with items derived from the modified HE-TPACK and self-efficacy questionnaires. HE-TPACK is a framework and an instrument to measure the level of technology integration into instruction. It provides insight into how practices and training aspects from the technology content knowledge (TCK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and technology knowledge (TK) domains interrelate with self-efficacy levels. The results identified several knowledge domains in the HE-TPACK model that were associated with self-efficacy beliefs about technology integration. The eight “second-careerer’s” results also indicated that HE-TPACK competencies and learning-centered pedagogy were necessary but insufficient conditions for transformation levels for technology integration for instruction. These “career enders” sought higher education because of the proximity to the student fulfilling their formal positions in the contingent faculty field (Cruz & Shoulder, 2013). The findings of this study are informative to contingent faculty at Tuskegee University, who hope to improve their use of technology in instruction through the LMS, and to leadership to determine more effective ways to support contingent faculty technological needs.”