Antoniou, J. A. (2021). Perceptions of novice teachers’ TPACK gained from teacher preparation programs: A mixed methods research study (Publication No. 29065154) [Doctoral dissertation, New Jersey City University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
“Novice teachers are faced with challenges when starting a new career, including using knowledge they have gained during their teacher preparation program to put effective instructional strategies into practice. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to explore the perceptions of self-efficacy for novice teachers on their competencies related to the TPACK framework and further connect these metrics to the reflection of their teacher preparation program. Participants were invited to participate in a quantitative survey and volunteer for interviews to further explore the perceptions of their self-efficacy on concepts related to pedagogical and technological knowledge. Related literature showed that teachers often rate their technological competencies lower in other studies conducted with the TPACK framework, but in this study novice teachers rated their technological knowledge competencies higher, when compared to pedagogical and technological pedagogical competencies. Interviews revealed various perspectives about the alignment of content learned in preservice programs and the knowledge needed and applied by novice teachers. Novice teachers who rated themselves highest with TPACK competencies could articulate a clear and positive alignment between their preservice experience and their in-service work. This work can be used by teacher preparation program, who use the CAEP standards for reflection in their accreditation processes. Further research is recommended on how the COVID-19 pandemic’s remote learning mandate changed the perceptions and expectations of technological knowledge and whether this makes an impact on how teacher preparation programs align their curricula.”