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Alvarado-Albertorio, F. (2022). Exploring preservice teachers’ technology integration repertoire: A mixed methods study (Publication No. 29998531) [Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.


“The purpose of this convergent mixed methods study was to explore how an undergraduate educational technology course impacts preservice teachers’ TPACK knowledge and how it affects the development of their technology integration repertoire. A total of 14 preservice teachers enrolled in a face-to-face section of an educational technology course in Fall 2021 participated in the study. Quantitative findings indicate the growth of participants’ TPACK (self-perceptions and application) over the course of the semester. The qualitative findings suggest that the technology integration repertoire of the participants developed from a tool-based approach to the learner first and then the tool approach that confirms the growth of the TPK. This study is significant to teacher educators by providing an overview of the preservice teachers’ decision-making process for using technologies in their lesson plans and their overall growth in technology integration during an educational technology course. The findings of this study could inform teacher preparation programs about the instructional activities that are the most beneficial for preservice teachers to experience for TPACK development.”

Published in Empirical research Dissertation