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Andoh, N., Asare-Danso, S., Sefenu, J. C., & Adams, A. (2022). Assessment of technological pedagogical content knowledge of senior high school business teachers in the Central Region, Ghana. International Journal of Social Science and Education Research, 2(10), 535-551.


“The study explored business teachers’ level of Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Senior High Schools in the Central Region of Ghana and examined the differences in teachers’ level of TPACK on the basis of some demographic variables using the mixed methods approach. The study used descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 248 business teachers. Questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data. Mean and standard deviation were used to examine business teachers’ level of TPACK. Moreover, Independent samples t-test was used to examine whether differences exist in teachers’ TPACK and gender. One-way (ANOVA) was also used to examine whether differences exist in teachers’ TPACK based on age. The finding showed that teachers possessed higher Content, Pedagogical and Pedagogical Content Knowledge and moderate Technological Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge and TPACK. The study found that there was statistically significant difference in teachers’ TK, TCK and gender in favour of the male teachers. The study concluded that teachers’ high content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical knowledge suggests that teachers seem to focus much on developing these knowledge to the neglect of other vital contemporary skills such the use of technology. This was evident in their moderate level of technological knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge, technological content knowledge and technological pedagogical content knowledge.  The study recommended that the Ministry of Education through Ghana Education Service and Government should organise refresher courses for in-service teachers to learning the use of technology in teaching.”

Published in Empirical research Journal article