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Ergulec, F., Eren, E., & Ersoy, M. (2022). Implementation of TPACK-based instructional design model in an emergency remote course. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 37(2), 560-572.


“The aim of this study was to examine pre-service teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) utilizing the TPACK-Based Instructional Design Model(TPACK-Based IDM) as framework during the emergency remote teaching process. The study, which was designed with an exploratory case approach, was conducted with senior pre-service teachers attending the Computer and Instructional Technologies Education (CEIT) department. The content of the courses within the scope of the study was developed and adjusted to include the stages of the TPACK-Based IDM. The data consists of the lesson plans and course materials designed by the pre-service teachers, the videos and reports they prepared during the term and their answers to the interview questions. The evaluation of lesson plans, materials and videos were carried out by using TPACK based learning environments assessment rubric. Content analysis was used to examine the information gathered from the reports and interviews. As a result, the course, which was designed with the TPACK-based IDM, increased the TPACK levels of pre-service teachers by associating their technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. It is observed that pre-service teachers focused on the characteristics of the target audience, the usability of the material, social presence, providing clear and unambiguous lectures, stimulating and gaining attention, and designing individual interactive materials in the use of TPACK. Instructional design of distance education courses is a significant topic to educate pre-service teachers during their training at the school of education. However, educating them about TPACK use and its applications in distance education would help distance education progress in a more planned manner.”

Published in Empirical research Journal article