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Fayda-Kinik, F. S. (2022). The digital teacher: The TPACK framework for teacher training. In A. Afonso, L. Morgado, & L. Roque (Eds.), Impact of digital transformation in teacher training models (pp. 31-53). IGI Global.


“The requirements of Education 4.0 and the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 on education have been digitally transformative in learning and teaching processes. It has become essential to create the digital teacher with the required qualifications, rather than an optional endeavor, as improving teachers’ technological skills has become even more important. To qualify the digital teacher, both pre- and in-service teachers should be trained from the perspectives of technology, pedagogy, and content, which are synthesized in the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework. As a technology-integrated approach to teaching, TPACK conceptualizes the three main knowledge domains a teacher should have, including the intersections of these domains. Thus, this chapter explores and analyzes TPACK studies on teacher training. In this chapter, the theoretical background of the TPACK framework is introduced, and research surrounding TPACK studies is reviewed for teacher training purposes. Finally, the results are discussed with key considerations along with future research directions.”

Published in Book chapter Published literature review