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Kukul, V. (2023). Modelling the spectrum of technology integration from teacher training to usage intention: Findings from a two-phase study. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. Advance online publication.


“This study aims to investigate the relationships among training on technology integration, self-efficacy, and technology acceptance. In this sense, the two-phase study firstly validated an instrument and then, the relationships among the specified factors were tested through structural equation modeling. While 384 pre-service teachers participated in the instrument validation phase, 790 pre-service teachers participated in the model testing phase. The findings firstly revealed that the scale is a valid and reliable instrument. Secondly, pre-service teachers’ training on technology integration significantly predicts their self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. All these factors, consequently, predict their intention to use technology.”

Published in Instrument testing Empirical research Journal article