Robbins, A. E. (2022). Preservice teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about teaching students with multiple disabilities to use tangible symbols (Publication No. 28970630) [Doctoral dissertation, The Florida State University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
“A qualitative study was conducted to identify the beliefs and attitudes of preservice special education teachers regarding teaching use of tangible symbols for students with multiple disabilities. Using tangible symbols is a promising practice with an emerging evidence base that supports communication development for students with complex communication needs. Preservice special education teachers participated in individual interviews, verbally reacted to a video of a child with multiple disabilities, and completed an application exercise. Data were analyzed using the Technology, Pedagogy, Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and constant comparison to identify preservice teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about implementing communication intervention using tangible symbols for students with multiple disabilities. Participant beliefs about tangible symbols, systematic instruction, individualized instruction, characteristics of students with multiple disabilities, and communication intervention were identified. Participants expressed positive attitudes towards tangible symbols use. Suggestions for meeting future preservice education needs are discussed.”