Jaipal-Jamani, K., & Figg, C. (2015). The framework of TPACK-in-practice: Designing content-centric technology professional learning contexts to develop teacher knowledge of technology-enhanced teaching (TPACK). In C. Angeli & N. Valanides (Eds.), Technological pedagogical content knowledge (pp. 137-163). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-8080-9_7
“This chapter presents the Framework of TPACK-in-Practice, a framework of identified characteristics and actions demonstrated by teachers in practice, when they effectively teach with technology. This framework emerged from findings of longitudinal studies of preservice and in-service teachers as they taught with technology in elementary classrooms. This Framework specifically highlights the TPACK knowledge that elementary teachers use in practice, associated with the knowledge intersections, namely, TPCK, TCK, and TPK. Further findings indicate that teacher knowledge of technology-enhanced teaching can be developed from the explicit teaching of these specific characteristics and actions. An illustrative example of the Framework’s usefulness in designing technology professional learning, for a variety of professional learning contexts (i.e., teacher education technology courses, in-service workshops), is discussed. Four stages to design professional learning workshops for teacher development of TPACK knowledge are presented. These four stages are: (a) modeling a technology-enhanced activity type (learning with the tool) to set the context and purpose for tool use, (b) integrating “pedagogical dialog” in a modeled lesson, (c) developing activity-specific technical skills through short tool demonstrations, and (d) applying TPACK-in-Practice to design their own task. The four stages provide guidelines for designing content-centric professional learning contexts for teacher development of TPACK knowledge.”