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Farrell, I. (2016). Examining the relationship between technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and student achievement utilizing the Florida value-added model (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database. (UMI No. 10107756). 


“The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the TPACK of in-service teachers and student achievement measured with each individual teacher’s VAM score. The TPACK survey results, and a teacher’s VAM score were also examined, separately, with respect to the following teacher attributes: gender, number of certification areas, highest degree earned, years teaching, subjects currently taught by teacher, teaching in/out of subject area, percentage of disadvantaged students at school, and grade level. The study used existing data, VAM scores for each teacher, and data collected from the survey developed and validated by Sahin (2011).

Results showed no relationship between a teacher’s VAM score and the TPACK survey overall or its individual constructs. Upon examination of VAM scores and teacher attributes, subject area, the percentage of economically disadvantaged students at the teacher’s school, and grade level of the teacher were all significantly related to VAM scores. In addition, the TPACK survey results overall and its constructs were also examined with teacher attributes, among the significant relationships were gender, subject area, the number of certifications, highest degree held by the teacher, years teaching, and teaching in/out of area. This study examined student achievement utilizing the Florida Value-Added Model. Different studies should examine different measures of student achievement. This could involve the use of different Value-Added models utilized in other states. The study also found a statistically significant relationship between a teacher’s VAM score and the percentage of economically disadvantaged students at the teacher’s school. Future research should be conducted in additional counties in the State of Florida examining this relationship to determine if this relationship exists in the population. Teacher pay has been historically determined by years of teaching experience, yet in this study years of experience had no relationship to student achievement. Future research should examine the role teaching experience plays with knowledge associated with effective teaching and student achievement.”

Published in Dissertation