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Bavonese, J. L. (2014). Determining the impact of a multiliteracies workshop on TPACK knowledge of elementary preservice teachers (Publication No. 3683632) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Alabama]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.


“This study applied the researcher-created Multiliteracies Workshop Model (MWM) to a literacy block methods experience and measured the changes in elementary/early childhood and elementary/collaborative preservice teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) learning. The study gathered information on the experiences of two comparison groups: Group A that attended methods courses and practicum and Group B that attended methods courses and practicum along with the Multiliteracies Workshop (MW). The study collected data on the kinds of experiences in teaching and technology in methods courses, practicum, and for Group B, the MW. The preservice teachers’ experiences in the study shed light on preservice teachers’ understanding of the relationships between traditional literacy, pedagogy, content knowledge, technology, and multiliteracies. Results from the preservice teachers’ self-reporting on TPACK knowledge indicated that some changes occurred in both groups in their depth of understanding of these concepts, but Group B outpaced Group A as evidenced by empirical and experiential data.

The MWM was designed using four types of multiliteracies pedagogy: Situated practice, over instruction, critical framing, and transformed practice. Group B participants were engaged in a participatory culture through three research-based approaches designed to yield TPACK learning: Learning activity types, deep-play, and learning by design. Teacher educators can use the MWM to provide nested experiences with teaching and technology during methods courses and practicum in preservice teacher education. Future research should apply the Multiliteracies Workshop Model to longitudinal studies.”

Published in Empirical research Dissertation