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Gozukucuk, M., & Gunbas, N. (2022). Preservice teachers’ design of technology–based reading texts to improve their TPACK. Journal of Education, 202(1), 92–102.


“The purpose of this study is to contribute to preservice teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). For this purpose, preservice teachers (n = 8) learned visual programming language, designed technology-based reading activities, and observed students completing these activities. A case study approach was employed, and preservice teachers’ views about the process were taken. Results showed that the preservice teachers’ beliefs in technology integration in education positively changed. They believe they learned teaching reading skills to elementary school students in an untraditional approach. They believe the whole process contributed to their personal and professional development. Implications are made based on the TPACK framework.”

Published in Journal article Empirical research