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Terra, I. W. A., Ridlo, Z. R., Indrawati, & Hidayah, S. (2020). Differentiation between TPACK level in junior and senior pre-service teachers to design science lessons. Journal of Physics: Conference Series1563(012061).


“Technological development provides enormous opportunities for efficient and active learning. Advance in technology-based learning should be inline with the ability of teachers to teach science using technology. Preservice teachers should be equipped with an appropriate college curriculum. TPACK can be used to see the abilities of prospective science teachers. This study was examining different TPACK levels at junior and senior-level. This study involved a sample of students majoring in a bachelor’s degree in science teacher program. The results of the questionnaire showed that junior-level students have higher TPACK than senior-level. Based on the results of a lesson plan analysis, junior-level students tend to use technology in the classroom. Students at the senior-level have been experienced in classroom teaching. However, classroom management and time management skills of maybe affects the TPACK level in junior and senior-level students.”

Published in Empirical research Journal article