Chewning, R. (2015). Secondary English teachers’ dispositions toward technology integration in one-to-one environments (Publication No. 3745350) [Doctoral dissertation, Clemson University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database.
“This study examined how high school English teachers define technology integration and how teacher beliefs regarding technology integration impacts teacher and student use of digital technologies for instructional purposes. Thirty-nine teachers from three high school English departments in their initial year of a one-to-one device implementation participated in this study. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed to examine how high school English teachers define technology integration and to examine if teacher beliefs informs technology integration practices. Quantitative data included the use of the TPACK formative assessment tool and an instructional technology use survey. Qualitative data included open-ended survey questions, interviews, and observation notes. Analysis of the qualitative data identified five themes as to what it means to teachers in their first year of a one-to-one device implementation program to integrate technology into their instructional practices. The potential impact of professional development on teachers’ reported TPACK scores, as well as the reported frequency of technology use by teachers and students are discussed.”