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Xiaobin, L., Lijun, J., Huiwen, Z., & Wei, Z. (2014). Chinese EFL teachers’ application of e-educology of foreign languages: An investigation based on TPACK framework. Teaching English with Technology, 2014(1), 49-75.


“For the past few years, TPACK has become a hot issue in the research fields of teacher education, integration of Information Technology (IT) and curricula as well as teacher knowledge. Besides, more and more concerns have been on TPACK of teachers in different subjects. Based on the TPACK Theory, the author uses questionnaires and interviews to investigate practical application status of Educology of Foreign Languages among English teachers involved in National English Teachers Training Project. The author also offers strategies and suggestions for trainings on Educology of Foreign Languages. The results show that the practical application of English teachers stays pessimistic in that teachers are far from the criterion required in terms of TPACK.”

Published in Empirical research Journal article