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Cheng, H.-J. (2016). A TL-TPACK model on CSL pre-service teachers’ competencies of online instruction. In C.-H. Lin, D. Zhang, & B. Zheng (Eds.), Preparing foreign language teachers for next-generation education (pp. 198- 225). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0483-2.ch011


“This chapter aims to introduce the integration of TPACK into a Chinese pre-service teacher training program and discuss its outcomes and challenges. First, the concept of TPACK was introduced and relevant TPACK research and its constraints in the previous studies were discussed. Through the partnership between a Chinese pre-service teacher training program in Taiwan and a Chinese learning program in the States, the author developed a Teaching and Learning Model, entitled TL-TPACK model, integrating practicum, course design, advisors, peer cooperation, and reflections—five training strategies to ensure the training and learning outcome. At the end of the chapter, an empirical Chinese pre-service teacher training study applying the TL-TPACK model was conducted to investigate pre- service teachers’ seven TPACK competences and Chinese learners’ learning performance. Finally, research implications and suggestions for future studies were discussed.”

Published in Book chapter