Olayinka, T. A., Ngcoza, K., Simuja, C., & Shambane, B. (2024). Promoting pre-service teachers’ TPACK development in an education schience course. In U. Ramnarain & M. Ndlovu (Eds.), Information and communications technology in STEM education: An African perspective. Advance online publication. Taylor & Francis. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003279310-11/promoting-pre-service-teachers-tpack-development-education-science-course-theodorio-adedayo-olayinka-kenneth-ngcoza-clement-simuja-brian-shambare?context=ubx&refId=2cd1c01b-a8f5-4a12-b4fb-a32e9d91f0d7
“South Africa has seen a rise in technology integration in teaching over the past few years. This was partly caused by recent modifications to teaching and learning processes, which necessitated the inclusion of technological support in teacher education. However, one of the main issues raised in the research was that pre-service teachers seem to lack the technological knowledge necessary to teach and present content in science education with technologies. It is against this backdrop that this chapter presents an intervention study that uses qualitative and interpretive paradigms to investigate pre-service teachers’ TPACK development in a science course in a compulsory undergraduate science module. Ten participants were purposively selected based on the criteria that they attend all lessons in the course, respond to all questions in the pre-semi-structured questionnaire, and are willing and available to participate in focus group interviews session. Data were gathered using semi-structured questionnaires and focus-group interviews. The findings showed that the use of technologies in teaching and learning in the course was effective in influencing TPACK development. From the narrations given by the pre-service teachers, the use of technologies in the teaching offered different perspectives of their progress in developing TPACK.”